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Kind Of Tired

People may think youâ??re a little off-key
I donâ??t care
Youâ??re just fine by me

While they talk behind your back
Iâ??m the one thatâ??s being driven mad

And I donâ??t know why I came here tonight

Iâ??ve been trying to feel
A little less uptight you see
Lying by your side

And I donâ??t know why I came here tonight

Maybe to leave my worries behind
And watch you grow kind of tired

Memories rise from their graves
And walk up to me
In the shape of hazy lights
If I was allowed Iâ??d cross the line
And feed your appetites

But maybe Iâ??ll leave my worries behind
And watch you grow kind of tired

And maybe youâ??ll leave your sadness behind
And watch me grow kind of tired
